Dance of the Vegetable Patch

Quickest Tofu Burger

Use a firm block of tofu.  Slice it – about ¾ cm thick. 
Mix a dash of tamari or shoyu (soy sauce), a little olive or sesame oil (depending on the flavour you want), some paprika and some honey.  You want enough mixture to either marinate the tofu slices, or if you’re in a rush, just dip them on both sides (which will need less mixture).
Marinate or dip the tofu, and then fry gently on both sides until golden brown.

Put this between two slices of bread with some fried onion, tomato, lettuce, etc.

I had run out of tomatoes, so cooked a tin of delicious organic tomatoes (chopped) until it was thick.  Also had an eggplant to use up, so put that whole into the oven until it was soft, then scooped out the flesh, and pureed it with a bit of organic feta cheese to make something like a dip.

So my burger ended up being:
*Fresh, homemade Turkish bread (leftover from lunch)
*Cooked chopped tinned tomato
*Spread of eggplant dip on the bread
*Marinated fried tofu
*Fried onion
*A few lettuce leaves from the garden

It was delicious, and a great quick meal – and is something I can do for myself when the kids are having something that I don’t feel like.