Dance of the Vegetable Patch

Rough Puff Pastry

This pastry is very like puff pastry.  It takes a bit more work that buying frozen puff pastry, but is very satisfying to make.


250 grams plain flour

185 grams cold butter

1 egg yolk

Cold water


Chop the butter into peanut sized pieces and mix these lightly into the flour.

Add the egg yolk and enough cold water so that when you mix it quickly with a knife it just comes together into a dough.  You don't want it at all sloppy, but it will stick to your hands.

Bring it together with your hands and give it a tiny knead - not to work it, just to make it a bit more smooth.  You don't want to melt the butter.

Now its time to start the rolling!  With all the rolling, roll in one direction only, except for the final shaping.  This whole procedure now is to get it sort of flakey, like puff pastry.

  1. Roll it into a rectangle.
  2. Fold the ends to meet in the centre, then fold in half to make 4 layers.
  3. Turn it a quarter turn clockwise.
  4. Roll again and repeat the folding.
  5. Rest it for 15 minutes in the frig.
  6. Repeat the rolling and folding as above - rolling and folding twice.
  7. Rest it for 15 minutes in the frig.
  8. Repeat the rolling and folding as above - rolling and folding twice.
  9. Rest it for a final 15 minutes in the frig and then roll and use in your recipe.